Mission Statement

The personal dedication and loyalty of the PGT group and its founders is the heart and soul of what drives its key members to strive and continue their efforts globally by giving donations or raising humanitarian aid funds targeted towards helping all nations eventually find peace and harmony with one another.

Our groups mission is to provide solutions in times of crisis and vigorously implement methods to vastly improve the livelihoods of the underprivileged or those afflicted by both natural or unnatural disasters including war torn regions or developing countries & those affected by economic changes globally whom genuinely need a helping hand despite race religion or creed.

“May the day eventually come

that future generations

will be safely united as one with World Peace

This pledge lives on through the pure dedication of PGT and its Founders, whom through their tireless efforts and support they collectively developed a working structure not reliant on or motivated by politics, race or religions simply backed by a highly skilled team of professionals globally sharing one goal which has created a truly unique platform that together will continue to improve the lives and well-being of millions of people worldwide through its generous humanitarian aid programs and donations towards global prosperity and unification in today’s forever changing, forever growing, forever lasting, global community.

“May the day eventually come that future generations will be safely united as one with World Peace”


Level 20 Marunouchi Trust Tower – Main
1-8-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-Ku
Tokyo 100-0005 Japan